They assessed the value of the house at60,000 pounds. 他们估价这房子值六万英镑。
The tax is assessed as a percentage of the assigned value of a corporation's capital stock. 此税是按公司股份总额的百分比予以征收。
Intangible assets purchased shall be accounted for at actual cost. Intangible assets received from investors shall be accounted for at the assessed value recognized or the amount specified in the contract. 购入的无形资产,应当按实际成本记帐;接受投资取得的无形资产,应当按照评估确认或者或合同约定的价格记帐;
This is why all four RUP phases end with a management milestone requiring project deliverables to be assessed to demonstrate proper risk reduction and assess value creation. 这就是为什么所有的四个RUP阶段都是以需要评估项目交付件,从而证明适当的风险减少和评估价值创造的管理里程碑为结尾的。
She looked at the house and assessed its market value. 她看了看房子并估算了其市场价值。
The sizes of rewards would be assessed based on the value of information provided, the Xinjiang Daily said, citing an official notice issued across Urumqi. 《新疆日报》援引在乌鲁木齐全市发布的官方通知称,将根据举报线索的价值,给予不同金额的奖励。
This decline has meant that the overall figure on which the city's property tax is based the assessed value of that real estate has also declined. 这个下降意味着财产税依据的总数房地产的评估价值也在下降。
Each state has a different method of calculating property taxes, but generally the county assessor determines an assessed value for each property. 每个州的评估方法会有所不同,通常评估者会用他们自己的方法。
They assessed the value of the house at$ 60,000. 他们估算这幢房子值6万美元。
The assessed is capable and add value to the work engagement. 被评估者有才能并可以为工作增加价值。
This may be assessed by means of the aggregate abrasion value test. 这可以通过磨损的价值测试。
Gluten swelling power is assessed by a sedimentation value as recommended by Zeleny. 面筋的膨胀力是通过Zeleng推荐使用的沉积值法进行估测的。
Using the comprehensive quantization method, the three performance indexes of the dimension, the content of the residual carbide and the hardness were comprehensively assessed. The value of Aclf, 800 ℃, to the steel under the heating speeds of 800 ℃/ h was obtained. 对球化碳化物粒径、体积分数以及硬度三个性能指标进行了综合量化,从而得出实验用钢在800℃/h加热速度下的Aclf值(800℃)。
In this study, we assessed the value of the clinical application of YAG laser in 32 cases of nasal endoscopic surgery. 报道了YAG激光在32例鼻内窥镜手术中的临床应用。
Therefore, for leasing assets which have a choice right of decision flexibility, it is very reasonable to make their price by means of real options pricing method and assessed value is also more objective and truer. 因此,对于租赁资产这种具有决策灵活性的选择权的这类资产,我们用实物期权定价方法对其定价就非常合理,评估出来的价值也更客观、真实。
The content of formaldehyde ( HCHO) is an important assessed value in the state compulsory standard GB18401-2003. Therefore, inspecting accurately the HCHO content in textiles is very important. 甲醛含量是国家强制性标准GB18401-2003中的一个重要考核指标,准确检测纺织品上的甲醛含量十分重要。
Referring to the methodology of constanza et al, and based on the biomass of Inner Mongolia steppe, authors of this paper assessed the total value of the steppe ecosystem services by various economic calculative methods. 本文参照Constanza等的思路与方法,以内蒙古典型草原生态系统有机物生产为基础,分别采用市场价值法、替代市场法等估算其主要服务功能的经济价值。
PURPOSE: We assessed the value of 16-layer three-dimensional computed tomography angiography ( 3D-CTA) and digital subtraction angiography ( DSA) in diagnosis of the arteriovenous malformations ( AVM). 目的:观察比较16层螺旋CT血管造影(3D-CTA)和数字减影血管造影技术(DSA)在周围动静脉畸形中的应用价值。
The real estate assessing is one important part of assets assessing, but it is difficult cause it has the characteristics that assessed single asset has high value and it requires much special knowledge. 房地产评估是资产评估的一个重要组成部分,由于房地产评估具有单项资产价值大、评估所需专业知识多等特点,所以房地产评估也是资产评估中困难较大的一种。
Methods of Assessed Biodiversity Value 生物多样性价值的评估方法
The nature of decision making in a process of value discovering and judging, and behavioral choosing object can be assessed by its value. 决策的本质是一个价值发现、价值判断和行为过程。
During the evaluation process, the method to determine the target weight value is the expert survey. The assessed value of the indicators is a triangular fuzzy number. The calculation processing of evaluation value is the weighted average computation. 在评估过程中,指标权重值的确定方法为专家调查法,指标的评估取值为模糊三角数,评估值的计算处理为加权平均运算。
One way is to select the model with smallest standard deviation by comparing the standard deviation between assessed value and market value. 一种方法是依据每种评估模型得到的评估价值与市场价值的标准差,选择标准差较小的模型。
In the process of forest rights mortgage, forest rights to the assessed value of authenticity, is directly related to the loan amount and capital security. 在林权抵押贷款过程中,林权评估价值的真实性,直接关系到放款额度和资金安全。
Judging from the results of the assessment, the assessed value is closer to that of the travel cost method; but from the assessment process and the thought of view, it is relatively much more reasonable and formal than the travel cost method. 从评估的结果来看,其评估值与旅行费用法比较接近,但从评估的过程和思想来看,相比旅行费用法较为合理、规范。
The new method not only solves the problem of quantitative assessment for mining methods, and variable weight method can adjust the weights according to the size of the assessed value of each factor. 该方法不但解决了采矿方法的定量评价问题,而且通过变权法能够根据各评估值的大小适当调整各因素的权重。
The network information ecological chain valuation analyzed and assessed the value creation of nodes and the entire chain. 网络信息生态链价值评估是对网络信息生态链上节点与整链价值创造的分析与评价。
The countries and regions that have perfect property tax in the world mostly adopt assessed value as the tax base. 世界上财产税制较为完善的国际和地区大多以经评估确定的房地产税基价值作为房地产税的重要计税依据。